Delivery and returns

Delivery and returns details


  • Delivery of the Product is available in the territory of the Republic of Poland

  • Delivery of the Product to the Client is chargeable, unless the Sales Agreement provides otherwise.

  • Costs of Product delivery (including fees for transport, delivery and postal services) are indicated to the Client on the website of the Online Shop in the information tab concerning costs of delivery and during the process of placing an Order, including also at the moment of expressing by the Client the will to be bound by the Sales Agreement.

  • Personal collection of the Product by the Customer is free of charge.

The Seller allows the Client to choose one of the following methods of delivery or collection of the Product:

  • Courier delivery, cash on delivery.
  • Pallet shipment.
  • Personal collection available at the address: Jana Karskiego Street 2, 25-214 Kielce – on Working Days, from 08:00 to 16:00.

The Product shall be delivered to the Customer within 2 Business Days, unless a shorter period is specified in the Product description or during the Order placement process. In the case of Products with different delivery periods, the delivery period is the longest specified period, which may not, however, exceed 7 Business Days. Start of the delivery period

Returns & Exchanges

  • A consumer who has concluded a distance contract (i.e. made an online purchase) may withdraw from it within 14 calendar days without giving any reason. This period is guaranteed by law

Ask about availability

Please complete the registration form. Information about the available product will be provided when possible.

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